Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 11 - last nights class

I love the teacher Darla, she looks like a swimmer. If you want to be a teacher of Bikram Yoga it's a huge challenge. She said it is all about your attitude about the heat. Now in Las Vegas "teacher trainer classes" nine weeks long, 2 classes a day, 5 days a week, one class on Saturday. Sunday, learn the dialogue and the class heat is up to 120 degrees. LOL. Just practice outside in the summer heat in Las Vegas. HA HA HA ----- The cement of the town stays hot all night long. Vegas is brutal, but I will always love Vegas. It was the town where I was my true self. Some of steady friends are doing the 60 day challenge. A married couple George and Pam. Solid people! They are my foundation friends and I call them the "Georgie Pam Foundation". Big LAUGH out loud from all 3 of us together!!! When you do this challenge it's VERY special to have friend that are there for you and understand the undoing of your life for a better life.
Zoe Zane

1 comment:

  1. I am amazed by your energy level, and admire your honesty. Your Furry Freak Bro
