Monday, September 20, 2010

Regular practice every other day till January 2011

Tonight, I had a great class with Darla. This morning I took my bone density supplement. In class I had a lot of strength. I will watch how this calcium helps my body strength. I had a gud class.
Saturday was hell. I get along pretty gud with most teachers. If I don't, the teacher and I have issues. I think its the teacher. Some have torturing attitude. This teacher was wondering why so many students were leaving the class. It was brutal the room temperature. Hey teach, who is the bitch who likes to watch us suffer, WHO is wondering why .....? -were are not still in the room. Duh! I am so bad. I would go the teacher training so I could teach a class and slam the bitch of I like to see you suffer down to the floor. I think, I think terrible thoughts so I can get through this freaking HOT class. Darla said that is not a gud reason to become a teacher. I guess not. I'm not a teacher! I can feel and say what everyone in the room was feeling on Saturday 6:30 PM. I thought that life might soften this teacher BUT.....nooooooooooooooooooo Not yet. Zoe Zane who is a smart ass bitch bikram yoga student.....ha ha ha

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Sixty Straight Days - Tuesday August 31. 2010

I did it. I went to the 430 PM PST class. The sun blasts in the back windows. It was difficult with the male mouthy teacher who keep going on and on about anything. Get started and be more cpmpassionate for all of us dude. I liked him for a long time now he gets on my nerves. He is high strunge and does not let up. Not this one for sure. I need layed back and kind.
My duaghter in Utah did it to. She finished the 60 day challenge on her own. The studios in Utah do not do the 60 day cahllenge. Chickens! Not much suppost from Utah for her. It made me realize how blessed I am with the studio I go to in San Jose. It was a defining moment for her. She overcame a huge fear of not finishing.
Now her self esteem will jump up to a different level. She is more empowered. I love it. It made me so proud of her.
Zoe Zane has completed 4 challenges of 60 straight days.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 58 and 59---- last class Day 60

Day 58 - sore muscles so I started drinking coconut water.
Day 59 - I have a cramp in my diphram. Oh fuck me! Paninful. I do not want to do the class. I felt the heat of the class, walked in. Stand and deliver Zoe. I did it.
Day 60 - my final class tonight. I can!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 56 and 57

Day 56 - before I start the clas I want to go home. I'm sore, body worked to the max.
Day 57 - only 3 more days left before I finish. I had to go to work and finish a big project. I did not want to do it. I left the project, went to Starbucks. I lost a cookie on the way over to Dads house. I want to remove the mid century modern art my brother made in the outside dark room. Shall I go over there and take it or ask my brother? The dark room had termites in the wood walls. eeK!

Friday, August 27, 2010

53, 54, 55 Days of yoga

Day 53- confession I pussy fart in class everyday!
Day 54 - I farted 2 times at the beginning of class. LOL.
Day 55 - My muscles are sore. Last night I threw up. I took some CQ10 for my gums. Not at night Zoe. Tired again. this morning, need to lay down and rest up today for Day 56. I'm so close to the end. I'm holding on. My strength needs to improve over time.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 52

It was hot and I was tired since I did not get much sleep last night. Darla, my wonderful teacher showed compassion for me during the class and told me I did a great floor bow. I can never see how good I'm doing. It felt great and I noticed for all my hard work. Doing this yoga, I finally have respect from my fellow yogis. This is a very difficult yoga and shows what you are made off. I'm so happy proud of myself. Only 8 more days to go. I will probably never do another 60 day challenge during the summer. I was lucky this summer it was mild beautiful weather. It is getting hot in San Jose and I do not like the heat. zoe zane

Monday, August 23, 2010

I'm posting about my dysfuntional family on my yoga blog

The death certificate of my dead Dad at 91 years old. He died after his marriage anniversary August 1. He was married July 21

Yesterday, my younger sister and I were talking about my depression raised Dad who saved anything and everything. We joked about how he would glue his finger back on with Elmer's glue. How he would, IF he could, wire my broken legs back up after I was pushed off the roof when 4 years old. His house had canned goods from 5 years back. He would eat out of a old can and say that did not hurt me. We opened up a big barrel of rolled 4 grain cereal that was 25 years old. Fungus flew out and coked us. Get the picture? Cough cough.
Now the family is all uptight about Dad's death certificate. The estate cannot be released until the certificates are received in the mail and sent to the proper authorities. I'm still getting over the death of my Dad. The Fatso brother in law needs my sister's inheritance $$$$. He better watch it!!! If he makes her madder than Hell, she will not let him have any of it. I searched on the Net about receiving death certificates in the mail. Up to 15-20 working days to obtain a DC. I get the feeling it will take longer than what the rest of the family figures. Maybe, the first week week in September? Last night, I could not sleep. Finally, I tucked myself away in my hot pink walk in closet. I fell asleep waking up in a scary nightmare. I saw demons all over Dad's house. I cried out in fear these words: In the name of Jesus Christ I command you to leave! One jumped off the roof but the ones on the ground remained. I know what to do. The yard and the entire house needs smudging with white sage. I used keys I found in my second sister's room who is crazy, she was placed in a lock down mental institution. I opened up the house doors and windows, no one was there. I smudge it and locked it up again. My brother and sister are still in the Mormon church. They know about evil and demons. They do not understand how to get rid of evil. My Dad told me he saw demons in his house. Is that why he went to the temple after Mom died? My crazy sister lived with Dad after she died. He went to the temple to keep his sanity, to save himself. My crazy sister tormented my Dad in angry for what happened to her in my family. That will be in my book. That's why the demons are picking on my Dad's house still. I will clear out the house! After I smudged the house, I felt better. The house felt better. Zoe Zane 1st born child of a California dysfunctional home

Today is day 52 for yoga challenge. The weather is hot, drink water girl. Stay hydrated for the class tonight.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Day 51

I saw the skinny male world champion. Tiny guy and young, whatever, who care, I saw him. In class it was too hot. I was hot before I started. Stood outside in the free air. WONDERFUL. I was miserable in the 430 PM PST class. I hate yoga and want to go home before I even go to class. It was crowded. I hate crowded. This young girl next to me was slopping her body in my mat space. I am usually nice but not today. I hate her too. I am so glad I do not have to please anyone about what I think about day 51 yoga class. Only 9 more days to go. Hang on Zoe Girl.
On top of this my younger sisters bully husband wants my Dads money right now. All he cares about is my Dads $$$$$. I knew he was a gold digger. I hope he makes my sister so mad she does not give him anything. He does not deserve it. He is such a mean person. Day 51 sucks in yoga. W H O C A R E S !!!

Day 50

Cleaned up Dads house and Im tired before I start the class. One of the in shape, hot body teachers (no kids) is my friend. We talked about old boyfriends who love themselves not us. WE LOVE OURSEVES and will not be with destructive going NO WHERE men. At the end of class I got energy. WOW! Bikram yoga is the only palce in the world you get energy.

Friday, August 20, 2010

47 - 48 - 49 Days

My back is slowly getting better. I focus on things I can do, not what I can not do.
Chris G is still a bug in my mug---ha ha ha
He has enough cocky attitude to fill up a football stadium. I'll call him Chris Gonad. HA HA HA He did notice my improvement in the camel pose, he encouraged me. I don't like teachers who have LOUD voices with a cocky attitude. I don't like ridge teachers. I was raised in a very rigid family as a child.

Day 49 - I can remember BC I am sitting here in my sweaty clothes typing. Funny Chris with the long legs and phony tail makes me laugh.

A day ago I decided I am done with a toxic person in my life. She hates successful people. I'm mad as hell, and I am done. Not matter what I do she has to put me down. I will never call her again. I said this once before but it is OVER! There is another friend that says she is my friend but I wonder if it is real. I watch what she does and she is crazy for sure!
zoe zane

World champions will be at the studio this weekend. Right now I do not give a damn about world champions. Tomorrow is day 50. After that ONLY 10 more days to go. Hold on Zoe!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 46

My back is getting better. The national female, yoga champion made it on time to teach the class. Good for you Cynthia, who is tiny, slender, gumby yoga girl. I'm getting myself back. I've notice strength and flexibility in different poses. I will post that later.
I helped my family clear out my Dad's house last night. It was nice to get to know my Dad from my brother. Dad worked at United Airlines in the 1950's at $1.64 an hour. Hard to believe he was paid that wage. LOL. $$$$$ went a long ways in those days. I was raised in a lower middle class family in Santa Clara, California in a mid-century modern home. Dad wanted to buy 2 other home close by but on that wage? WOW! He had the right idea. It was tight for money growing up as the first child. I wish Dad would of talked more about how to manage your money. I did learn from his model but the tiny details, he taught me nothing. He did show me that steady is the race to get ahead. Nothing fast, like the lottery. Zoe Zane

Monday, August 16, 2010

44 and 45 yoga days

Bikram says he will turn your body into a Ferrari. I feel like I'm in the body shop getting lined up. eeK! My lower back is still acting up but last night it was better on day 45 with teacher Darla. I LOVE HER!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 42 and 43

My lower back is in a big spasm. I think I'll lay down the next 2 days in class and relax. I'm taped out, over whelmed with moving to a new living space, which I do not have to do now, my Dad dieing, dealing with my asshole family members, and mouth surgery. Through all of this I have been working and updating sites, also. eeK!!!LOL. I will lay down in Bikram for 2 days and walk during the day. One of the teacher, Patrick told me to relax and take some aspirin. Will do! zoe zane

Friday, August 13, 2010

day 41

the stress of my unsupportive family and Dad's death has landed right in my lower back. i can hardly walk or do the poses. im repeating my affirmation that all my needs are always taken care of and i am safe. this morning i am still uptight in my lower back on the male side of the body. tonight is day 42

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Check in with my hot pocket team - Day 40

My Dad died Aug 1st, my childhood family are the bitches hell crew, so greedy. I had mouth surgery and my landlord would not let me keep my 3 cats. This is hardest challenge I have encounter which is my 4th.

In yoga class my Dad talks to me and it's very helpful with my greedy family. There is voo doo going on in the torture chamber. he he he Even though he left his skinsuit he is very close to my lovely brain and heart. He knows how terrible he was to all of his childrne is is deeply sorry. Funny how the other side makes you see. I kept going to yoga and my mouth is healing fast.
The landlord's wife was the one who changed her mine about the cats and the new lease. My male landlord loves me AND they cashed the check for August, said nothing. Money talks! I offered to blow out the vent ducts when I move for cat dandruff. Did he drug his wife? I've felt so lost and alone. All my buddies at yoga have been very supportive.

Yesterday I went like a fast freight train over to Dad's estate and pulled out the antiques he gave me. I'm happy and will put different energy on all the pieces. I'm happy, wealthy, rich and powerful!

Right now I feel retarded. When you are retarded you can say anything and everyone laughs. Cackling out loud! HA HA HA Last night was Day 40 for retarded Miss Zoe Zane.

At the end the teacher/owner told us we could "sy" out loud-----I could not even DO THAT! I layed there blowing sweat bubbles with my lips.

Smilesssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love yourself BC your damn good!

Day 39

I don't like this Darius guy who is a hardcore, arrogant, macho teacher. DID he
have a angry father? It was dificult to be in class with this guys who is one of the yoga king instructors. If he would of been hot looking that would of helped but he was not THAT at all. I have seen less experienced teacher do a better job. I would never go to his studio. NOT EVER! I'm so fucked in this class tonight with this dumb ass teacher. I flipped him off 5 times in between the poses. I do not care what he thinks. Get a heart buddy.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 36, 37, 38

Day 36 - my 2 daughters left, drove back to Utah. My Dad's death broke down my baby daughter's heart. She is bonding to me and my older daughter. Thank God. She needs us.
Day 37 - Sunday I was strong. When you do this yoga it makes you bullet proof, money proof, health proof. It makes your life better. When your spine is healthy so is the entire body. The whole body is healthy.
Day 38 - Monday I have mixed emotions. Talked to an estate lawyer about my executor brother in the Mormon church who has turned against me. Actually I scare him. My family was abusive, angry and hateful. My mother and father hated each other. What great role models they were to all 5 kids. I'm undoing the damage of a loveless, heartless family. I will prevail. I'm done with the negative crap from the Mormon church and how they cover ups of dysfunctional families. The Church paints a picture that all is good and great. It's not. They cover up crimes of sexual abuse, wife beaters, alcoholism and sodomy of my disabled younger sister (who keeps taking it). My Dad's memorial is this Saturday, it will be candy covered up bull shit. They all live in a dream. No one gets fixed, just judged.
Lets send my brother's congregation to Bikram for one year every other day and watch. Now the truth will come out so they can heal. That is what I will do! Tell my angry Mormon bishop brother to go to Bikram and fix his shit. HA HA HA
I'll get in his face about his fucked up spine. Not his stinking thinking, he has too much ego. Yeah send him to the real torture chamber of life at Bikram. Laughing out loud.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Day 35 went to early 9:30AM class

I don't like the morning classes. My body needs to relax to work just right in the morning for bathroom time. Yeah know what I mean! Andy, dear Andy, she taught the class, I love her. My daughter went with me. She's crashing in Bikram. She will be alright. That is what you go through. The body knows what to do to care for itself. I did not sleep well. Going back home from dinner at son's house, I got lost in San Jose. LOL. I just drove around and around and around in a daze. A lot of change is going on for me and my life. My Dad dieing, the estate, the crazy family members and doing Bikram.....I spaced out. Lost in San Jose, your own town. eek!!!!! My daughter was following me, I turned my cell phone. OH FUCK ME! Finally we made it home. I need a nap today.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Death of my father - Day 34 and my abused sister

has opened up a can of worms. My younger sister has been abused for years from her alcoholic husband. He is not worthy of the word more like barbarian. Today, we are talking about the the inheritance from Dad and she turned on me. She has been drinking beer to go to sleep, She works graveyard, massive sleep deprivation. The barbarian calls her up whenever he wants and has no respect for her or her time. She turned on me today and told me I was just like him. I have decided not to talk to her anymore. She is whacked out big time. That hurt me a lot. I will not help her anymore ONLY if she asks for it.

Day 33

Day 33: It was the cocky Devil male teacher again. FUCK ME! I was in the back with daughter, last row. The sun was beating right on us. I told myself I was a Blast of Sunshine. I get over to class, DO IT, today is day 34. I'm not getting caught up in how many days I have done this time. My Dad's death, greedy family members are the distraction right now. My abusive brother-in-law is taking over my Dad's estate. I will get him out! He is not on the will at ALL! It's my sister not Steve. I flipped the bird at the teacher for being insenitive. It does not matter I'm not a teacher. I can do pretty much whatever I want and feel, I'm a paying customer. About 99% of the time everyone laugh at what I do. zoe zane
My torturing rants..... HA HA HA

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Hot male teacher DAY 32

He said a few words to me yesterday. Going through the process of Dad dieing is taking my energy. My Dad had post war trauma and never went to counciling. He took it out on his own family. I know one thing for sure I can love myself and feel good about who I am. I'm hot shit! My living space is still in the air, the landlord has not spoken to me about leaving. I still have the 3 cats. Now with Dad dieing I need the cats more. zoe zane

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 30 and 31

My Dad died on Sunday August 1st at noon, I'm out of it on the day count. I was in a daze for two days. I went to class both days and made it. Dad looked terrible like a dead body in a Jewish concentration camp. LOL. He will be buried sometime this week. Coordinating family will be a challenge. My brother-in-law is causing havoc with sister and myself. He's a loud mouth, over 400 lb. bully. I do not like him. He has done it to himself. Last night, I put up 2 stars on the board. It made me happy. YIPEEE!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Day 29

Dad died today at 91 just before noon, I took to easy in the 6:30 PM class. The teacher Holly told me I was her hero. That's nice to say. I'm suffering already and do not want to do 2 classes in one day. Bikram has helped me to be strong for life's challenges for sure. Thursday, I had a bone implant for stronger teeth. My living space is still up in the air. But the bone implant and my Dad are finished. Now where does Zoe live? Oh brother, I need my mother. Sometimes when I come out of class I cry out for my Mommie. Oh Mommie, Mommie I need you! I give myself a big hug. Go home and huge my 3 cats. Furry loves. zoe zane

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Day 28

Went to early class 9:15 AM. I'm so hot this morning. I'm sick of being HOT! eeK..... Some of my girlfriends are doing 2 classes in one day. I don't want to do that. Too hard. One day at a time. zoe zane
P.S. Talked with daughter, she lifted herself up high in the floor series with arms under herself. WOW! That is aswsome.

Day 27

I did the class, I think I have a tiny piece of glass in my left heel. OUCHIE!

Day 26

In the back to the left and out of the sun by the humidifier. Michelle the owner taught and went over 10 minutes. I wish she would follow the rules and end on time. LOL. I'm making progress with strength and flexibility. I'm pleased with myself. zoe

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 25 I missed another day

I HATE BIKRAM AND THE STUDIO DAY: It might be a good idea to go to another studio to finish. No one at the San Jose Bikram studio even cares. I can't stand it. They all hang out in their little clicks and chat about their fat stomachs or talk about the good looking teacher that is so sweet. He has never said a nice work to me. I hate this studio right now. Maybe, when I find a place to live I will feel safe again. It seems like bad stuff is right in my face from my life with the old boyfriend who went to ...... The old boyfriend, I hope he gets nuked on his way home. My life would be better. zoe zane
Today will be Day 26. Someone gave me a free pass to another studio. I might go there.

Day 23 and 24

Day 23 I did not see my eyes in the mirror. My place to live is all up in the air. I'm so stressed. My 91 year old Dad is dieing for sure this time. He is out of it. Went to hospital last night and had to leave BC he was crazy in his bed. Poor guy. Day 24, I was strong sucking energy off the good looking Gay teacher. I figure he is gay he doesn't look much at women. He walked around the room like a big stud. Some people even if gay like themselves. Good for him. No one knows if he is gay or they are not telling. Day 24 the room was like HOT HELL! I'm suffering enough and Bikram is torture. Why more torture??? Please air and cool the room down. Why in the hell am I doing this challenge anyway. I feel alone and disconnected. Maybe I need to go to another studio and finish it out there. zoe zane

Saturday, July 24, 2010

I want to puke on Day 22 class

Body smells were aweful. A uncircumsized penis smelled unwashed and cheesy. Someone smelled like mold and mothballs. I thought I was over the crap smells in yoga ..... GUESS not!!!!!!!!!!!! Another uptight guy farted again. I'm gone and home with the three cats. Heaven help me. Zoe

Day 21 and Day 22

Pacing myself for the long haul through this challenge. I let my emotions run away and it took a lot of my life force. I STOPPED THAT! I'm in the process of a starting a new life, a new way for myself. Change is scary for me. Today is day 22 and I will go to 4:30 PM class. I have a dinner date with my fetish slave tonight. He is paying for everything! YES.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Day 19 - I forgot to put up the star

I'm not counting the days this time. I just get over there and work on eating for health. Chris G is the teacher. He made me laugh, only opened the door 2 times. He is getting better but still has to prove himself. I thought he might find my grace and not be the Devil Bitch Man Teacher, but he still is. He made us suffer again. I know it's my attitude but he needs to humble himself and have more compassion. He never had kids and is single. I give Chris G a bitch teach rating. LOL. Who am I? I am the baby pusher of 7 kids and gettin over the hell I made for myself in the Mormon church. Zoe Zane

Day 18

Zoe, in the back by humidifier, Sharda, my hot shit girlfriend, signed up on the last day for the challenge. She's a doll and very supportive. She had a asshole Dad like mine. Another friend Jo Ann might help me find a new place to live. I went last night to look at it. It's so perfect. The landlord is thinking about my cats. Cross your fingers, it is mine. It's so perfect for me and the boys. Many of my friends in Bikram yoga are wonderful. I'm so blessed to know them all. Zoe

Monday, July 19, 2010

17 and 18 classes

When in the grind of this challenge you space out. I'm working on empowering myself, take action. No matter what is changing in my life on the outside I will make it all happen. Just breathe. I'm overcoming the idea I have to have a man to be whole from the Mormon church. It is scary but I am working through it. Zoe today is the 18Th day of your challenge girlfriend!

Day 15 and 16

Day 15 was pretty gud for me, but worrying about apt lease. Finding out other class mates are going Thur the same thing. Learning how to make counter offers to landlord. Day 16, tired but did it. Went to store to get food, watched TV, went to sleep. I feel pretty gud this morning. Zoe Zane

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Forgot which day I am on

Now I know I'm in the thick of it when I do not know what day I am on. Asked landlord to put my name of the lease instead of old boyfriend. He let me have my cats and then his wife changed her mind. I have been looking for new place to live. Higher rent. LOL. Proposed I put a deposit/pay to blow out duct vents when I leave. It was gud energy with male landlord. His wife owns the building. Money talks with Asians. Landlord kinda tight with fixing the building. Let is simmer with his wife for now. They let me have the cats then changed their minds. All up in the air right now but the energy is better. Day 13 for yoga I was crying. Day 14 I did pretty gud. Today is day 15. I know what day it is . Talked with daughter last night and she is working with ankle injury from Las Vegas in her 60 day Bikram challenge/day 14. She has done 14 straight days right along with me. WHEW! Zoe Zane

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 12

My daughter was screaming mad at a rooky teacher in her SLC class. The room was so hot even ventran students were slammed to the floor.
My class: I was at the front of the class BC the devil teacher Chris G. was teaching. I told him not to pay any attention to me at all. In the front of the class the door is opened to regulate the heat. I was a smart girl. I did it!
Zoe Zane --- My life right now is in a big whirlwind with my living space, the cats and FFA.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Day 11 - last nights class

I love the teacher Darla, she looks like a swimmer. If you want to be a teacher of Bikram Yoga it's a huge challenge. She said it is all about your attitude about the heat. Now in Las Vegas "teacher trainer classes" nine weeks long, 2 classes a day, 5 days a week, one class on Saturday. Sunday, learn the dialogue and the class heat is up to 120 degrees. LOL. Just practice outside in the summer heat in Las Vegas. HA HA HA ----- The cement of the town stays hot all night long. Vegas is brutal, but I will always love Vegas. It was the town where I was my true self. Some of steady friends are doing the 60 day challenge. A married couple George and Pam. Solid people! They are my foundation friends and I call them the "Georgie Pam Foundation". Big LAUGH out loud from all 3 of us together!!! When you do this challenge it's VERY special to have friend that are there for you and understand the undoing of your life for a better life.
Zoe Zane

Monday, July 12, 2010

Days 8-11

Day 8, I was sick, but getting better. Day 9 was great, over the sick feeling, BUT ... I have a personal life issue that sent my emotions in a whirlwind. Day 10, a pretty gud class even though I was wasted from worry. Holly, the teacher, knows how to monitor the room just right. I had a story on my face. I didn't want to do the challenge ANYMORE, quite. But, in spite of my fears, I'm doing pretty gud. I have taken action to overcome my doubts. It works, I'm surprised. Tonight, Day 11, I'll eat some potatoes with goat cheese, a big treat for me! Zoe Zane

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 5 & 6

I'm doing 60 straight days of Bikram yoga this summer, my 4th challenge. Last night was hardcore. I hate the teacher. I can do that BC I'm a student. Nazi short smart ass teacher liked to make us suffer. Today is Day 6, and class was hardcore again. Asked the manager why no humidifier and he said yes we are doing it. The last night teacher was popping his attitude and no humidifier in class. I knew he was a man bitch and I don't like him. Bikram is very difficult, why make it more, you dumb ass! It is not about how great you are but having compassion for the class Mr. Chris that spoke Spanish like he was in the movie the Devil's Advocate. I hope he does not like me and I do not want to be his friend. Little man with a little dick atttitude who has to prove he is big. Zoe Zane

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 4

In the front by the door BUT the teacher slammed iu hard at the beginning with heat and humidity. Then he opened the door and I froze. eeK! Maybe I need to not be so close to the door. My daughter is on the same day with me. I'm making a deal with landlord for a new lease where my name is legally on the lease. After the con artist boyfriend left me for another woman I was barely holding myself together. My lower back has been acting up again. I said my positive affirmation and my back is better today. I've noticed when I'm in a lot of pain, I beat myself up more. Thatz not gud. I went in last night and was a zomb with my 3 cats.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 3

Up in the front by the mirror with a great friend, an older woman. The teacher Darla opened the door, cool air, a few times. I'm thinking, I can do this summer 60 day challenge. YES! Talked with daughter, she has done 3 straight days. She has to drive over an hour to class this weekend BC of the holiday, the Fourth of July. Some of us must go through more. I'm so proud of her. Over 1 1/2 hours travel time and then 90 mins for the class. Her studio does not open the door. Rated extreme hardcore Bikram Yoga Studio. eeK! zoe zane bikram blogger
I'm concentrating on stillness and regular breathing patterns on each pose.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 2

4:30PM class in the back, middle of class, saw myself in the mirror. Everytime we finish a class, it is one star. I'm attracted to the sparkle gold star, support team "Hot Pockets" instructor Linda, she's a hottie, a sweet friend. In the middle of the class it was difficult the heat. Holly the teacher opened the door. I drank plenty of water yesterday. Zoe Zane

Saturday, July 3, 2010

We did it day 1

My daughter called after her class. She went to Wholefoods to get good food for energy. I did my class in the back by the humidifier. Patrick was the teacher, a great friend and fantastic teacher. Lock your knees, start and end the pose ALL together at the same time for powerful group energy. Day 1 was a good class. Look at this challenge like I'm brushing my teeth. Great advise from a new teacher from Lithuania. Mom Zoe

1st Day

I have practice Bikram Yoga close to 7 years. Today is July 3, 2010. I will begin my 60 straight days of Bkiram Yoga. This will be my 4th challenge. I have not done a challenge in the summer. I can do the winter challenge. I need to take extra good care of myself since the summer heat is huge challenge for me. Wish my luck. I can do it. YES, I can! It is all about the mind and what you tell yourself. At 75 years old I will look like 35 years old. That is my intention. I will go to the 4:30 PM class today. The sun comes down hard on the studio at this time. My daughter and I are doing the challenge together. She's in another state. She told me we can do this together Mom. Yes we can!!! Zoe Zane practicing Bikram yoga student